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Fraxel Re:store – Skin Rejuvenation Dallas

Cosmetic technologies have taken skin care to a new level. With treatments like Fraxel re:store, you can achieve refreshed, healthy skin in ways that have never before been possible. If you are looking for a way to treat skin blemishes like fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars, this procedure may be right for you.

Fraxel re:store is a treatment that can improve the appearance of skin around the eyes, on the face, and on the body. Fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, discoloration and acne scars can be reduced. The treatment uses radiofrequency energy that renews the collagen layer in the skin and achieves a level of deep heating that improves skin health.

Consult with Dr. Bruce Byrne to learn more about Fraxel Re:store.

Contact our office in Dallas to schedule a consultation.